The pre-production, production filming, first half of post-production of this independent film was self-funded.
We appreciate our Film Donors whose contributions are vitally important to support this film's post-production film finishing/distribution costs in order for the film to be released worldwide to schools and audiences in our work to prevent bullying and bullying related tragedies.

Bullies And Friends Documentary
Cassidy McMillan
Diane Gembala
In Memory of Donald Gembala
Chris Ryder
P. Vandegrift
Bullies And Friends FILM CHAMPIONS
Eugene Martinez (California, U.S.)
Laura Banke - Koons (Texas, U.S.)
Lost Lion Productions - SPONSOR
Bullies And Friends FILM LEADERS
Brenda Dewey, Owner of
Hindsight Farm, (Colorado, U.S.) - SPONSOR
Doryn & Ty Wallach (NYC, U.S.)
Doryn Wallach Jewelry (NY) - SPONSOR
A. Carlson (NYC, New York, U.S.) - SPONSOR
Anonymous (VM) (Florida, U.S.)
Monique's Art Jewelry (PA, U.S.) - SPONSOR
Pam Powers (Chicago, Illinois, U.S.)
Take 2 Radio
Bullies And Friends SPECIAL DONORS
Calvin Vanderbeek (California, U.S.)
"Sir" Lawrence Fleming (Atlanta, GA, U.S.)
N K (California)
Pat Gates (California, U.S.)
Bullies And Friends FILM SUPPORTERS
Moose Hockey Team (Girls' Team!)
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Marnie McKim (Arizona, U.S.)
Richard Carter (Florida, U.S.)
C. & I. Gale (Canada)
Jenn & Laura Van Vleet-Wagner (Boston, MA, U.S.)
Gary Whitford (United Kingdom)
Pedro T. (CA, U.S.)
Angela McKenzie (Washington, U.S.)
Bullies And Friends FILM ADVOCATES
Sandi and Bob Burrows (Canada)
George Z., Ed. D.; (Ethiopia)
Wilma Oreto (Canada)
Florence G. Perry (California, U.S.)
Angela Fryklund (Ontario, Canada)
Melissa Massey (Nebraska, U.S.)
G.D. (U.S.)
Kristi Simkins (U.S.)
Diane M. Simkins (Wasilla, Alaska, U.S.)
Donna May (North Carolina, U.S.)
Carma Goodman (Georgia)
The Kelt Family (New York, U.S.)
Robert Burns
Gordon Duke (Washington, U.S.)
David Williams, Stellar Tunes (U.S.)
Steven M. Grant (NYC, NY)
K. Luckhaus
Jennifer Ford (Australia)
Sierra Ranier (U.S.)
Jowharah Sanders (Florida, U.S.)
Karen Follis-Mraz
Officer Deborah Cannon (ret.) (Texas, U.S.)
LeAn Sanders
Irene Helenowski
Bullies And Friends FILM FRIENDS
Karen StilWell (CA, U.S.)
Sarah Conroy (Kansas, U.S.)
John Linney (Texas, U.S.)
Sandy Martin (North Carolina, U.S.)
Rae-Lynn Ziegler (North Carolina, U.S.)
Philip Fusco (New York, NY, U.S.)
Lisa Lucke (California, U.S.)
Toni Brooks (U.S.)
Shirley Cullen and David Tewell (Massachusetts, U.S.)
Jennifer Cummins (Michigan, U.S.)
Peter Carey
Monish Gangwani (Washington, U.S.)
M. Shelton
Barbara Rich (N.C., U.S.)
David Salvagni (Illinois, U.S.)
Lelana C.
Janet J. (Florida, U.S.)
Emma Cox
S. Greenhaw
Three Days Film (United Kingdom)
Shirley J.