Selected Press Clips
(Click Links to Listen To/Read Interviews)
Los Angeles -
Filmmaker/Actress Cassidy McMillan is interviewed about directing BULLIES AND FRIENDS; and her starring role portraying Brooke Wyeth in the L.A. area stage production of Tony Award-nominated drama OTHER DESERT CITIES, by Jon Robin Baitz, of which Cassidy received critical acclaim from the LOS ANGELES TIMES, OC Tribune and audiences. The play deals with depression, suicide and family. Cassidy discusses what drew her to portray the complex character, and her advocacy work on bullying/suicide prevention with the film BULLIES AND FRIENDS.
BULLIES AND FRIENDS Director Cassidy McMillan Interviews Women Leaders on Girl Bullying They Experienced in School & How They Overcame It
Los Angeles | Washington, DC -
BULLIES AND FRIENDS Film Director Cassidy McMillan interviews Emmy Award-winning ABC News Correspondent/fmr CNN Anchor Kyra Phillips; NASCAR Driver Cassie Gannis; Florida Prosecuting Attorney/TV Legal Analyst Stacey Honowitz; National Voices Founder Jowharah Sanders on the Girl Bullying (relational aggression) each experienced in school as a teen, how they overcame bullying to become the women leaders they are today, and their advice for teens on gaining self-esteem and overcoming bullying. Cassidy also shares her own story in this article on girl bullying.
Atlanta | Los Angeles -
Filmmaker Cassidy McMillan, named by DyNAMC as 'Change Maker in the Film Industry', for her advocacy and film work is interviewed about her directing the groundbreaking film BULLIES AND FRIENDS, her work on bullying prevention in schools across the U.S.; the changing film industry and women directors being able to break 'glass ceilings' in Hollywood.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates -
BULLIES AND FRIENDS Director Cassidy McMillan is interviewed by DUBAI TODAY Hosts Suzanne Radford and Dr. Samineh Shaheem on bullying, the physiological components of teen bullying, Cassidy shares information on what schools can do to prevent bullying and an audio clip from the film.
"What Is Girl Bullying & Relational Aggression?" - Article by Cassidy McMillan
Los Angeles | Washington, DC -
Article on Girl Bullying & Relational Aggression - written by Cassidy McMillan (Director/Producer of BULLIES AND FRIENDS)
This article examines the unique characteristics and subculture of "girl bullying" - clinically known as relational aggression. This article informs and provides solutions to parents, educators and girls on the issue of girl bullying. Girl bullying is an issue directly addressed in the documentary BULLIES AND FRIENDS.